shoonya mudra

 The word Shunya indicates space (openness). This mudra controls the space element in our body, therefore, it is known as Shunya mudra.

Shunya mudra includes the practice of middle finger which refers to ‘sky‘ or ‘heaven’ therefore it is also called Heaven Mudra.


Precautions are always better than a cure. In order to prevent physical or health problems, you need to take some precautions while performing the Shunya mudra.

Do not press the thumb hard, you will end up hurting yourself.

If you are feeling very weak, you should not perform Shunya mudra.

Discontinue this mudra after getting cured from a specific ailment as excessive practice of it can decrease the space element of the body.


Prevents Motion sickness

Prevents Heart Disease

Reduces Thyroid Diseases

Cures Numbness

#How it works:

In Surya Mudra, the middle finger (the energy on space) comes in contact with the thumb (the energy of fire). It stimulates the flow of energy throughout the body.

The contact of fire and space element reduces the space element in the body. This helps to treat the imbalance of this element and treats all related problems.


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