Night jasmine in ayurveda

The plants are found in most parts of is a beautiful flowers, it is  also called parijat.


Treats various types of fever

 Parijat is known as a great anti-pyretic. It cures various nauseous types of fever including malaria, dengue, and chikungunya fevers.

Parijat leaves –

In Ayurveda, Parijat leaves has been used to treat a different kind of fevers, cough, arthritis, worm infestation, etc. The leaves juice is bitter and works as a tonic. The kadha or decoction is excellent for arthritis, constipation, worm infestation.

Parijat flowers –

This small, aromatic, white flower works wonderfully for gastric complaints and respiratory complaints.

Parijat stem –

Parijat stem powder is very good to treat joint pain and malaria.

Cures dry cough 

Are you suffering from constant cough and irritation of the throat? A tea made from Parijat leaves and flowers is used to reduce cough, cold, and bronchitis. Studies show that the ethanol extract of the Parijat plant is an excellent bronchodilator. It also works beautifully in asthma.

#How to use it :

Take few Parijat flowers and leaves with ginger and boil it in 2 cups of water for 5-7 minutes. Steep the residue and drink it by adding honey in it.And many more benifits.


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