Hibiscus in ayurveda

 Hibiscus is widely known for its attractive flowers which lack fragrance.

Hibiscus belongs to the Malvaceae family.

Flowers are found in various shades e.g. red, white, yellow, and orange. Red hibiscus flowers are very common and widely used for medicinal purposes.


*Treat Alopecia with Hibiscus

*Hibiscus is Good for Controlling Pitta Diseases

*Hibiscus as a Natural Cooling Agent

*Hibiscus and Metabolism

#Medicinal Uses of Hibiscus

The paste of leaves and flowers of hibiscus is processed in sesame oil and it is used for external application to provide strength to the roots of the hair and some other conditions like alopecia

Make paste of its tender flowers and mix milk in it. This remedy is used to control heavy bleeding

Soak the flowers in water for overnight and filter this water next day and consume this in a dose of 30 ml to control the blood sugar level

Mix the paste of hibiscus flowers in cow urine and apply it on the scalp to treat alopecia

5-gram powder of its flowers is mixed with buttermilk to treat the condition of piles

The paste of its flowers should be mixed with lukewarm milk and consume it to relax the mind and for a good and proper sleep.

#Side Effects of Hibiscus

The flowers have contraceptive action so pregnant women should avoid using hibiscus internally......


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