Chinmaya mudra

In this mudra, the thumb and forefinger form a ring, and the three remaining fingers are curled into the palms of the hands.

Again, the hands are placed on the thighs with palms facing upwards, and deep comfortable Ujjayi breaths are taken.

Once more, observe the flow of breath and its effect.


Improves the flow of energy in the body.

Stimulates digestion.

Promotes awareness of the body and mind.

Bestows body mind health.

Helps to keep the mind calm.

It relieves stress and anxiety.

Promotes flow of prana, the life energy in the body – promotes oxygenation of the entire body.

Imparts energy in the thoracic region.

Promotes breathing in the midsection of the lungs

#How it works:

Yoga Mudra is the science of altering or redirecting energy flow in the entire body using hand gestures through acupuncture meridians, bringing your energy body to perfect alignment or balance. Since hands contain all the acupuncture meridians they are considered to be the control panel of the body.


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