Chin mudra

Chin Mudra is the combination of two words, Chit and Mudra wherein Chit is Consciousness, Mudra is a gesture.

This mudra connects us to our higher Self, helps lift dull energy, creates a more receptive state, calms the mind, and brightens the overall mood. It is often used in meditation, pranayama, and asana.

*Deference between chin and gyan mudra

Chin means consciousness, so when applying this Mudra with the palms facing up, the chest area is widening, so the practitioner might experience a sense of lightness and receptivity, which is absent in gyan Mudra.


Increases energy and stamina.

Relieves stress and tension of the mind and body.

Helps with insomnia.

Improves concentration and memory power.

Relaxes the mind and improves mood swings

#How to do it:

1. Rest your hands on top of your thighs with your palms open. Step 2. Gently tuck the tip of the index finger unnder the tip of the thumb, keeping the remaining three fingers lightly extended. Step 3. Relax the back of the hands on top of the thighs, with the palms facing upward.


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