Catharanthus roseus( sadabahar flowers)

 Today I am talking about Catharanthus roseus or sadabahar flowers.

Sadabahar also known as the ‘ever-blooming blossom’ is a well-known flower that has secured its place both in modern medicine and herbal remedies. Clad by the vernacular names, ‘Madagascar Periwinkle’ in English, ‘Nayantara’ in Bengali, ‘Ushamalari’ in Malayalam, and ‘Sadapushpa’ in Hindi, the plant shows extensive health benefits and is used for treating a host of health anomalies including diabetes, sore throat, lung congestion, skin infections, eye irritation and even reduces the risk of cancer. 

Coming from the Apocynacea family, Sadabahar goes by the botanical name Catharanthus roseus. It is of evergreen origin and grows to a height of 1-2.5 meters. Although the plant is native to Madagascar, it is found to be growing throughout the world. The flowers of Sadabahar usually come in two varieties, one dark pinkish-purple and the other milky white.

 #Benefit of sadabahar flower

Diabetes: It is useful in treating gastritis, cystitis, enteritis, diarrhea, diabetes, etc when taken internally.

Cancer: Sadabahar leaves and stems are a source of alkaloids that have anti tumor and anti cancer properties. Fluid retention.

Nosebleeds : Sadabahar controls nosebleeds, bleeding gums, mouth ulcers and sore throats

Increasing blood circulation: Despite serious safety concerns, periwinkle is used for “brain health” (increasing blood circulation in the brain, supporting brainmetabolism, increasing mental productivity, preventing memory and concentration problems and feebleness, improving memory and thinking ability, and preventing early aging of brain cells).


Lung congestion.

Sore throat.

Eye irritation, when applied to the eye.

Skin infections, when applied to the skin.

Stopping bleeding, when applied to the skin.


 #Ways To Use Sadabahar For Diabetes: 

Dry, powder fresh sadabahar leaves and store it in a glass container. Take 1 tsp of the dried leaf powder by infusing it with water or fresh fruit juice on an empty stomach every morning to keep diabetes under control. 

Chew 3-4 leaves of the Sadabahar plant throughout the day to prevent sudden blood sugar spikes. 

Boil freshly plucked Sadabahar flowers in water. Allow it to steep and then strain. Drink this bitter liquid early morning on an empty stomach to manage diabetes. 

#Sadabahar Side Effects  

Although Sadabahar has innumerable health benefits, it is strictly mentioned to consult an ayurvedic doctor or practitioner before consuming it. On intake of excessive quantities of sadabahar extracts, it can cause certain side effects including diminished blood pressure levels, constipation, etc. 


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