Buddhi mudra


Buddhi" in Sanskrit means “higher mind” or “intellect”, and this mudra is known as the seal of mental clarity. When the little finger, which symbolizes water and communication, touches the thumb, which represents divine nature and fire, the buddhi mudra signifies fluid communication and access to inner knowledge. #Benefit: BUDDHI-YOGA is the intelligent use of mind and keeping it engaged in devotional activities. This Yoga is considered as the highest perfectional stage. In Bhagavad-Gita chapter 10 , Sri Krishna tells Arjuna about BUDDHI-YOGA. The ultimate goal of human life is getting out of the entanglement of this material world. # How it works: Mudras are physical gestures, often with the hands, used in yoga to direct the flow of energy in the body. On both hands, touch your little finger pad, which symbolises water and communication, to your thumb pad, which represents divine nature and fire. ...


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