Abhaya mudra

Abhaya mudra is a yoga mudra associated with a very important meaning. The word Abhaya is Sanskrit for “Fearless”, and mudra means a ritualistic gesture of the hands, mark or seal. This mudra is also called a blessing mudra because in this mudra the body appears giving blessings.


As the name suggests, the Abhaya mudra helps in conquering the fear. The hand posture in this mudra is in such a way that it fills us with courage.

Along with this, this mudra helps to calm the mind. The regular practice of this mudra brings fearlessness and relaxation to the brain.

Abhaya mudra settles all the emotions caused by fear such as irritability, anxiety anger, etc. This mudra helps in soothing the nervous system that helps in relaxing the body.

After performing this mudra, the sensations of spiritual strengths begin to rise. This makes the practitioner stronger from inside

#How it works:

This mudra is performed with the right hand. Raise the hand to shoulder height. Keep in mind that the palm should be upward and fingers should be straight. Removing all thoughts from the mind has to focus the mind only on OM.



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