Varun mudra

 Varun Mudra – The Gesture of Water

“Varun” is basically a Sanskrit origin term which in Hinduism is referred to as “God of Water” or “God of Sea”. Mudra simply means Gesture or Closed seal of fingers. Due to its ability to increase the water content in the body, varun mudra also known as Jal Vardhak Mudra.


Prevents Dehydration. Inadequate consumption of water leads to a deficiency of water in the cells, which causes dehydration in the body. ...

Helps in Moisturization of Skin. ...

Helps in Reducing Cholesterol. ...

Cleans Blood. ...

Prevent Skin Diseases. ...

Stimulate Sacral Chakra.

#How it works:

Varun mudra prevents the inadequate distribution of body water and maintains a good flow of water in blood vessels. Hence it helps in cleaning the blood. When the tip of the thumb touches 'little finger's tip, it produces acupressure. This acupressure activates fluid circulation through the body.


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