Vajrasana yoga

Vajrasana pose is a simple sitting yoga pose. Its name comes from the Sanskrit word vajra, which means thunderbolt or diamond.

Contraindications, precautions:

#People who have severe knee pain should avoid Vajrasana.

#Those who have undergone knee surgery recently should also avoid doing Vajrasana.

#Pregnant women should keep their knees slightly apart while practicing Vajrasana.


#helping keep the mind calm and stable.
curing digestive acidity and gas formation.

#helping to relieve knee pain.

#strengthening thigh muscles.
#helping to relieve back pain.
#strengthening sexual organs.
#helping in treatment of urinary problems.

How to do:


Kneel down onto your yoga mat or soft surface. Sit on your knees with your feet relaxed. Do not place the ball of the foot onto the ground.

2. Cross your big toes so that your feet create a support for your bottom to rest on.

3. Place your hands in front of you and on your knees. Your arms should be relaxed instead of tense. You can face your palms up or down depending on what feels comfortable to you. Pull the hands into a praying position to encourage the flow of energy.

4. Actively straighten out your spine so that your back is perpendicular to the floor. Your back should not be rounded. Pull your shoulders back and tighten your core. Pull your navel into your spine.

5. As you set your gaze forward, engage your neck to support your head. Your head should not hang down.

6. Focus on your breathing. Take deep breaths in and release them out slowly. As you inhale and exhale, your chest will expand and collapse. Continue to keep your back straight rather than slouching in as your breathing tugs at your posture.

7. Close your eyes and bring your focus to your inner world.

8. Try to stay in this position for 1-2 minutes. If meditating, continue for 5-10 minutes or as long as needed.


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