SURYA MUDRA  Also known as Agni Mudra, this one helps regulate the amount of heat in your body.

Mudras have the latent power to revitalise the body for good.  It increases the fire element in the body that helps to maintain the temperature and improve the vision.


One should not do this mudra when he has weakness in his body.

This gesture should not be overdone beyond the mentioned time. ...

In summer it should not be done for long time. ...

Pitta constitution people should be careful doing this posture. ...

It increases fire element in the body.


this mudra provides us the essential heat and energy, keeps us fit and healthy. It enables heat balance in the body. It increases the fire element in the body and regularizes the metabolism. It improves appetite and digestion.


#How it works:

When you hold the ring finger & thumb in the Surya mudra arrangement, then the fire element (thumb) of the body dominates over the earth element (ring finger). Hence, this placement of fingers increases heat & energy in the body and simultaneously suppresses the earth element.


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