
Salabhasana also known as the locust, is a strong back bend. It is said to strengthen the back as well as relieve back pain. It can be done in several variations; with the arms under the body, with the arms at the side, or with the arms straight ahead. We will look at the first option 


sTrengthens the muscles of the spine, buttocks, and backs of the arms and legs.

Stretches the shoulders, chest, belly, and thighs.

Improves posture.

Stimulates abdominal organs.

Helps relieve stress.

How to do:

Exhaling, in 3 seconds, raise the right leg (kept straight) as high as possible without lifting the hips; keeping the left leg firmly on the ground. ... 

Maintain this pose for 6 seconds, suspending the breath (final position).


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