PRANA MUDRA mudra is about prana, which means life force energy.These mudras can be done while walking, sitting, or standing. If sitting, we can sit in any position, be it in Padmasana, Vajrasana, or Sukhasana pose Prana mudra increases the vital energy in the body. This mudra brings a sense of clarity in our aural field, creates inner focus and greater clarity. This mudras is beneficial for eye problems.

#Benefits of Practicing Prana Mudra

Strengthens the immune system Specially in corona time we need it. Improve the flow of vital forces in the body. Good for high blood pressure. Sharpens the vision, improves eyesight. Helps in proper blood circulation in body. Relieves mental tension, anger, restlessness, frustration.

#How it works

Prana mudra excites the root chakra, that makes vibration plus heat, which awakens and energize the body. The power of life manifolds and stimulates the entire human body. This energizes the body and awakens all the organs. This mudra links to the heart plus soul of the person.


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