Namaskar mudra

NamaskarMudra, or Anjali Mudra in Sanskrit, is known as the heart seal.  It Is help in 
Reduces Stress. ... 
Builds muscle. ... 
Improves balance and flexibility. ... 
Improves heart health.
 As you place your hands in front of your heart, you powerfully connect both the left and right sides of the brain. The combination of this mudra and the word “Namaste” is symbolic as you bring together your divine masculine and feminine powers.

#Benefits of Anjali Mudra or Namskar mudra

Provides flexibility in the wrists and arm joints.
Stimulates the anahata chakra.
In the extended practice it stimulates and activates ajna chakra.
Calms mind.
Relieves stress.
Improves focus.
Promotes inner awareness.
Connects the hemispheres of the brain and optimizes brain functions and coordination.



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