Mudra means “seal,” “gesture,” or “mark.” Yoga mudras are symbolic gestures often practiced with the hands and fingers. They facilitate the flow of energy in the subtle body and enhance one's journey within.

According to Ayurveda, diseases are caused due to an imbalance in the body, which in turn is caused by lack or excess of any of the five elements.

Our fingers have the characteristics of these elements, and each of these five elements serves a specific and important function within the body. The fingers are essentially electrical circuits. The use of mudras adjusts the flow of energy – affecting the balance of air, fire, water, earth, ether – and facilitate healing.

Mudras create a subtle connection with the instinctual patterns in the brain and influence the unconscious reflexes in these areas. The internal energy is, in turn, balanced and redirected, affecting change in the sensory organs, glands, veins, and tendons.

Yoga mudras are practiced by sitting cross-legged in Vajrasana or in the Lotus Pose, or even by sitting comfortably on a chair. Ideally, Ujjayi breathing is done when practicing most mudras. Take at least twelve breaths in each yoga mudra and closely observe the flow of energy in the body.

Pressing the fingers together in a particular hand gesture, i.e. a yoga mudra, stimulates the power supply of the circuit: the brain. The brain then receives a signal to change the energy pattern within the body. This is done by regulating the flow of energy, or Prana.

Mudra is actually a way of life. It is something with which every human being should relate to irrespective of age and gender. Mudra is very simple actually.It requires a very short time to be done but it’s benefits are actually very long term and mostly permanent unlike the innumerable medications which we take.

Benefits of Practicing Prana Mudra

Strengthens the immune system.

Improve the flow of vital forces in the body.

Good for high blood pressure.

Sharpens the vision, improves eyesight.

Helps in proper blood circulation in body.

Relieves mental tension, anger, restlessness, frustration.


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