Cat-Cow Stretch (Chakravakasana

 It's the best of both worlds: spinal extension followed by spinal flexion. Moving back and forth ​awakens and warms the back, improves body awareness, and is a basic introduction to how to do a vinyasa sequence by coordinating your movements to your breath.


Stretches your butt (aka Gluteus Maximius, Minimus, and Medius) which helps relieve tightness in your hips and lower back pain.

Opens your shoulders and increases the range of motion for your shoulder joint.

Stretches the chest.

Stretches triceps and strengthens biceps.

Stretches quads (thighs).

How to do:

Begin on your hands and knees in table pose, with a neutral spine. As you inhale and move into cow pose, lift your sit bones upward, press your chest forward and allow your belly to sink.

Lift your head, relax your shoulders away from your ears, and gaze straight ahead.

As you exhale, come into cat pose while rounding your spine outward, tucking in your tailbone, and drawing your pubic bone forward.

Release your head toward the floor — just don’t force your chin to your chest. Most importantly, just relax.


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