Camel Pose Ushtrasana

 Camel pose does not only improve spinal flexibility but at the same time also strengthens the back muscles. This asana can therefore help to improve your posture.

Those with high blood pressure and severe fatigue should avoid this pose. If you have any spine-related conditions make sure to maintain the extension throughout the spine rather than bending the spine. Those with neck injuries and pain should look up at the ceiling and should not drop their heads back.


 It improves spinal flexibility, while also strengthening the back muscles and improving posture. This pose creates space in the chest and lungs, increasing breathing capacity and helping to relieve respiratory ailments. Ustrasana also stimulates the kidneys, which improves digestion.

#How to do it:

Engage your buttocks to press your thighs forward so that your pelvis stays over your knees. 9. Hold for several breaths and then release your hands and lower your butt to your heels. Repeat the posture twice more if you like, maybe trying on a Half Camel.


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