
Showing posts from July, 2021

Aloe Vera plant

  Aloe vera is commonly grown as a houseplant and gained favor because the gel from its leaves makes a soothing skin salve (although some people are actually irritated by the gel) It also covers some of the risks associated with use. It contains healthful plant compounds. ... It has antioxidant and antibacterial properties. ... It accelerates wound healing. ... It reduces dental plaque. ... It helps treat canker sores. ... It reduces constipation. ... It may improve skin and prevent wrinkles. ... It lowers blood sugar levels.. It is lots of benifits. #How to use aloe *Heals burns*Improves digestive health*Promotes oral health*Clears acne*Relieves anal fissures  Is aloe vera safe? Pay attention to how your body reacts to aloe. Notice if you experience any sensitivities or adverse reactions. Don’t use aloe if you’re allergic to garlic, onions, or tulips. Avoid taking aloe vera within two weeks of any scheduled surgery.

pomegranate leaves

Bsides aiding in fat loss, pomegranate leaves are found to be useful in treating a number of disorders and ailments, such as insomnia, abdominal pain, dysentery, cough, jaundice, mouth ulcers, skin ageing, and inflammation of the skin like eczema. Pomegranate leaves are very beneficial like a pomegranate fruit. It overcomes skin problems as well as stomach problems. Take lots of pomegranate leaves if there are wrinkles on the face, the skin has become loose or the skin has become resilient. Grinding pomegranate leaves and putting its paste on your skin will be effective and works magical in all skin types. The pomegranate is packed with antioxidants that make hair follicles stronger, and improve blood circulation in the scalp—factors which help to stimulate hair growth.  And many more Benifits.But anything is more in your daily life is harmful.

Curry leaves (sweet Neem)

  Curry leaves is a such a full of  benifits it is also called sweet neem.packed with carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, phosphorous, irons and vitamins like vitamin c, vitamin a, vitamin b, vitamin e, curry leaves help your heart function better, fights infections and can enliven your hair and skin with vitality. Benefit: Have antioxidants. ... Curry leaves can heal wounds and burns. ... May help in losing weight. ... May help in keeping diabetes in check. ... Help sharpen your memory. ... Helps relieve morning sickness and nausea. ... Good for the eyesight. How to use: Crush some curry leaves and add to buttermilk and drink. Curry leaves have antioxidants that reduce the oxidation of cholesterol and many more way to use.